

Textile recycling with tradition

We at Erdtex have been contacts for used clothing and shoes since 1995. Trust a company that is serious and ecological in accordance with social guidelines. Many years of experience, exemplary textile recycling that is based on the latest environmental protection guidelines. We always pay attention to the cleanliness of our containers, regular emptying is a matter of course.

Recycling. fair. reliable. Erdtex.

As a specialist disposal company, the training and further education of our employees are very important to us. We are also a certified waste disposal company. All textile inputs and outputs are documented. The commissioned forwarding agents must have the appropriate suitability.

Conservation of valuable resources

Without the collection of used clothing, over 1 million tons of textiles would have to be disposed of as residual waste annually (source: nwzonline.de). The cultivation of cotton for the production of new textiles requires a high level of water, fertilizers and pesticides. A rethink is everyone's business - get in touch with us.

Our certifications: